Tuilerie Lambert - The real eco-artisanal canal tile in pure clay


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Baluteau - Lascoux SARL - 204 Les Mas
16310 St Adjutory

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Implementation and maintenance


During periods of fog, persistent rain or melting snow the air just below the tiles becomes saturated with moisture and it is necessary to evacuate this moisture as quickly as possible.

For this purpose, you need to follow simple but mandatory rules.

  • Always ensure the free passage of air between the underside of the battens and any other area (such as plastic film, cardboard, asphalt felt, thermal insulation, etc ...) keeping an average 2cms of space (minimum).
  • Provide an air entry on the lower and an air exit poitn on the upper part.
         In the case of roof work, take precautions so as not to deteriorate it.

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Screens Underlayment

They constitute the only effective protection against powdery snow, sub-roof screens have many other benefits:

  • Waterproof, protection from powder snow, soot and dust Improves thermal performance and protects the insulation
  • Improves the wind resistance of roofs
  • Protects against external intrusions : reduced the risk of birds or insects entering into the attic
  • Gives 8 days of protection to the construction site from water infiltration Contributes to the roof ventilation.
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Why clean your roof?

Let's start looking at cleaning the roof. The roof should be cleaned regularly to preserve the roofing materials and the structure of the house. Indeed, the roof, particularly sensitive to external aggressions, is an ideal breeding ground for many parasites.

Over the seasons, plant debris, moss, industrial dust, etc. settle there cheerfully by obstructing the flow and maintaining abnormal humidity on the surface of the tiles, harming the proper functioning and the good conservation of the cover. Pollution also soils your roof: it leaves black, unattractive traces.

Cleaning your roof is therefore essential; cleaning is generally done twice a year: once in the spring and once in the fall.



Regular maintenance is necessary.

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Roof cleaning with bleach: all you need to know

Bleach is bad for tiles, because it increases their porosity and this is not the desired goal since they would no longer play their role of protection against humidity. It removes moss, but at the same time, it eliminates the protective layer present on the tiles

Roof cleaning with bleach is a bad idea. Bleach, which is abrasive, deteriorates most roof covering materials. you must use suitable roofing products.

As you can see, using bleach extract for your roof is never a good idea. In order not to put your roof at risk and to preserve the quality of the tiles, the roof of your house must always be treated with care: it is a founding element of your building.


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The truth about cleaning the roof with bleach

So easily gives shine to a roof, but is not without danger. Indeed, it is very likely to make tile roofs very porous by attacking the very structure of the tiles. In the long term, the use of bleach on a roof will therefore lead to an increased risk of infiltration. It will also weaken the tiles and make them brittle.

Its wear and tear can have serious consequences on the entire structure of your home: water infiltration, partial or total collapse of the roof, damage to the frame, presence of mold and parasites in the attic...


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For information

1/ the manufacturer recommends ringing the tiles one by one to identify any structural defects before each installation (strongly recommended).

However, it is necessary to take some precautions and respect certain rules (which ring hollow, for example).

As it was done in the days of our ancestors!!


2/ our pallets of tiles are carefully packaged to guarantee the products are intact a upon rrival.

Unfortunately, even if we take care to protect our products during transport, we are not immune to breakage during transport which does not depend on us.

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Our tiles have been subjected to the frost resistance test under the conditions provided for in accordance with the Single European Method of Standard NF EN 539-2 – July 2013

© Tuilerie Lambert - The real eco-artisanal canal tile in pure clay 2025. Legal notice - Website made by ConceptElise - ZLBA